Thursday, July 17, 2008

Seeking Accountability

I was cleaning out one of the VERY dusty bookshelves in the family room and started looking at Bikram's Beginning Yoga Class, a book that is 30 years old. The testimonials online from people who are participating in Bikram Yoga classes are pretty amazing. The YELP comments are interesting to read, too.

I don't care for heat and humidity and body odor, but I do care for having great health. And I know that Hatha Yoga is great for the body and mind. I was rereading the intro to the book I have; the writer who helped Bikram Choudhury get this book put together and published (Bonnie Jones Reynolds) came to the class 25 pounds overweight and with a spine in not-so-good condition. When she first started the class, Bikram told her that if she came to class every day for two months, he would give her new life. She writes: "Several months later, twenty-five pounds lighter, feeling and looking years younger -- and with a pain-free spine..."

When I look around at people in general, most seem like they could benefit from some kind of Hatha Yoga program, perhaps not as intense as something like Bikram Yoga but more along the lines of "restorative" Yoga for Seniors programs that are available in libraries and in booksellers online in DVD format. There is even a DVD on Hatha Yoga for overweight people; now no one has an excuse for not getting involved in some sort of Hatha Yoga program.

I have tried Hatha Yoga before but never for long and never with any sense of discipline. SO...I am going to plunge myself into Bikram Yoga by taking up the local studio's offer of 10 days for $20 starting Monday, July 21st. This blog is my way of keeping a record and hopefully maintaining some sense of accountability by having this and future entries published for all the world to see. Whether or not I tell anyone I know about this blog remains to be seen.

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