Saturday, July 19, 2008

Feeling Like a Blimp

Today I went clothes shopping with my mother-in-law and a friend of mine. It's always a bit of a reality check (read "shock"!) to see yourself stripped down to your undies (or "skivvies" in the case of the gents) in front of the mirrors in the fitting rooms and looking rather chubby in areas that used to be slim. I can remember years back that when I bought pants to fit my hips, they were always way too big in the waist. Not anymore! Now I have the opposite problem -- my waist is getting too big for my britches.

Lots of YouTube videos on Bikram Yoga. Fascinating to watch. I've started watching some of the video clips again just to see what the less-than-slender gals are wearing during their 90-minute sessions in the intense heat. I'll need to procure something cool (so I don't pass out) and tasteful (so I don't cause anyone else to pass out) to wear to my first classes this coming week.

On Sunday, July 20th, it will be time for the stark reality of measuring. I'll keep track of three measurements: waist, hips, and thighs. I tend to lose weight all over, so if I'm losing inches in those three areas, then I know that the inches will be coming off all over the rest of my body, too.

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