Monday, February 22, 2010

Lots and lots of spinach!

Approximately half of the refrigerator is being taken up with bags and plastic containers filled with spinach. I bought spinach to go in my smoothies, and then DH, bless his heart, bought a HUGE bag from Costco -- all told, we probably have 5-6 pounds of spinach in the fridge -- no exaggeration!

I think I will need to make green smoothies for the unsuspecting neighbors in addition to my own. Usually the most I consume is 4-6 oz. of spinach per smoothie; I may need to ramp up the amount in order to get through this spinach before it dies and gets all slimy on me. 

Or I will have to investigate other spinach recipes in addition to using it to make smoothies. This one sounds really good, and it uses up a whole pound of spinach: And THIS recipe: rice with spinach and feta cheese -- I think I'm in love! 

We may get through all this spinach after all! If you have any favorite vegetarian spinach recipes to send my way, please do!

Popeye would be proud!

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