Tuesday, September 2, 2008

I was pleasantly surprised!

After 18 days away from Bikram Yoga, I was feeling some trepidation about how my body would respond. Would it be like starting all over again? Speaking of starting all over, there was a new student in the class on Labor Day evening who was starting Bikram Yoga after EIGHT years away! During the session, our teacher commented that this "new" student didn't look like a beginner. So the body DOES remember!

My body felt very comfortable going through the routine of 26 postures -- like getting back on a bicycle after not riding one for a long time. Usually I feel some discomfort when I'm bending my head back in the very first Pranayama (standing deep breathing) posture but not last night. And the last time I was in class, when doing the half moon pose, I felt a cramp in my side. No cramping last night. A big plus was that in my standing bow pulling pose (Dandayamana Dhanurasana), I could actually glimpse my toes for a second or two over my head. Yeah!! This is the posture that looks so graceful -- the one that everyone wants to be able to do beautifully:

Go to:
http://www.bikram-yoga-noosa-australia.com/Dandayamana -Dhanurasana.htm

For a quick overview of all the postures:


There are a number of postures that I cannot get into the final form for: the standing head to knee pose (Dandayamana Janushirasana), the toe stand (Padangustasana), the fixed firm pose (Supta Vajrasana), and the camel pose (Ustrasana). These are postures that I'm sure I'll be able to attain after months or perhaps years of practice. In the meantime, it is a marvel to see others stretch and fold their bodies into the final forms of these very tough postures.

I felt SO GOOD after class even though I had forgotten to bring a hairbrush and my hair was sticking out all over the place. I only wish everyone could give Bikram Yoga a try and see how it wakes up and energizes their bodies.

Someday I may buy the audio CD set to do the Bikram Yoga asanas at home but not right now. Right now it's important that I be in a studio with others who are sweating and struggling their way through the whole 90-minute routine.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Bikram Yoga is like an avocado. Either you like it or you don't. If you like it, keep going with it and you will see some amazing changes over time. Good luck with keeping up your practice!