Monday, September 15, 2008

So much better today...

Today, Early Bird Braless Bathilda (as Angie so aptly called me) made it to the 7:15 a.m. Bikram Yoga class. Three cheers for Bathilda! That was, of course, after dreaming of jumping into bottomless pools and looking down empty elevator shafts as a result of watching the segment of the Planet Earth series called "Caves," which shows skydivers free-falling into Mexico's Cave of Swallows, billed as "Earth's deepest pit cave free-fall drop." I think those images left quite an impression on my subconscious -- hence, the nature of the dreams I had.

Today's B.Y. class was taught by John who helped me with some of my postures. The guidance was much appreciated. Today's class was ever so much better because:

  • Hot sunlight wasn't pouring into the room.
  • My body was more prepared since my last class had been the day before yesterday.
  • I wasn't squished between two sweaty, smelly guys.
  • I was able to see what I was doing in the front mirror.
  • There were fewer students in the workout room, giving us more room to spread out.
  • I got to see Angie briefly who was coming in for the 9:15 a.m. class. Amazing how refreshed she was looking while I was feeling like a bedraggled cat.
Speaking of bedraggled cats, take a look at the misadventure of two would-be heroes who were intent on rescuing a lost cat:

~ Bathilda the Bedraggled Bandicoot ~

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